New vendor applications for 2025 will be available in March 2025
Returning vendor applications access through your EMAIL LINK
- Food Space – $450.00
- Craft Space – $275.00
- Teen Craft Booth (13-18) – $150.00 – limited spaces
- Senior Craft Booth (65+) – $150.00 – limited spaces
- Kids Craft Booth (12 and under)- FREE – NOT a 10×10 – See Kids booth application for details
*A limited # of booths larger than 10 x 10 are available by request only, and you will be charged the percentage over 100 sq ft. (Ex. 100 sq ft = 100% fee, 150 sq ft = 150%)
We will be evaluating clean-up on Monday after the fair at 5:00pm to determine if the clean up fine should be issued. Cleanup fine for booths is a minimum of $500.
Space Assignment
All new booths are granted on a “First Come – First Served” basis based on the date of the completed application. Special requests for spaces are also granted on this basis. All requirements must be met and approved by Forest Fair Committee.
Returning Vendors – Vendors from the 2024 Fair requesting their same space will be considered first. Vendors from previous year requesting a change, will be considered after initial placements. Space assignments will be sent out by May 1st. Returning vendors who submit their application after February 28th will be treated as a new vendor and are not guaranteed their previous years space.
New Vendors – New vendor applications will be online March 1, first come first serve and will be assigned booth spaces based on availability.
Dates and Deadlines
- January 1 – Feb 28 – Returning vendor applications access through your email.
- March 1 – New vendors and Kids Booth applications will be online. Applications will close when we reach capacity.
- March 15 – Payment for returning booth spaces Due or forfeit your booth space.
- April 15 – Payment for new vendor booth spaces Due or forfeit your booth space.
- April 1 – Cancellation after April 1 and before May 1 – 50% REFUND
- May 1 – Proof of General Liability Insurance and health permit for food vendors
- May 1 – Cancellation after this date – NO REFUND
- July 3 – Booth Set-Up day – Times detailed in Confirmation Email – All booths need to be set-up by Thursday evening. Vendors are required to pick up Vendor packets and any pre-orders from Hostest with the Mostest to begin check in.
- July 4,5 – Booths open from 11am – 9pm
- July 5 – Parade at 10:00 am – Alyeska Highway will be closed by 9:30am – all vendors must be in place by this time!
Fair is open from 11:00am to 8:00 pm - July 6 – Fair is open from 11:00 to 6:00 pm *All vendors are expected to stay open for business during fair hours. You can NOT break your booth down until the fair is closed! (That would be when the music ENDS on the Main Stage and the crowd has dispersed)
- MONDAY, July 7 – EVERYTHING MUST GO By 5:00pm! Booth area must be cleaned up (including cigarette butts and micro-trash) or you will receive an invoice for the cleanup fee and your booth may be re-assigned next year – NO EXCEPTIONS.
No electrical outlets are available, and NO GENERATORS ALLOWED!!! Bring a cart to haul your materials up to ¼ mile into the fairgrounds. Come prepared for rain and a cover for your booth.
We do not permit advertising or advocating for anything other than your own booth items and business.
Wandering vendors are not permitted!!! This includes musicians – please contact the music coordinator if you want to play at the fair.
*Attracting Bears
We live in bear country. Several bears live near the Forest Fair and will be attracted by food and garbage. Some foods more than others. This can pose a dangerous situation and every effort should be made to mitigate the attraction. Please use all best camping practices when storing your food items or garbage. Vendors who disregard this warning may not be invited back and may be held responsible for any damages. ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD is allowed to be left unattended in booths after Fair hours. Please review vendor guidelines and confirmation for details regarding fines that may be assessed.
Remember, this is a Forest Fair, we do not allow cars, buses, vans, trailers or campers of any type to be used for booths. Make your booth fit within the woodsy environment. The booth operator is responsible for setting up and taking down the booth. Be prepared to work around tree roots, rocks, stumps, disc golf baskets, and other obstacles – absolutely NO nails in trees.