Food Vendor Info

Girdwood Forest Fair food booth spaces are intended for creative and authentic food products only.  Booth spaces are granted at the sole discretion of the Girdwood Forest Fair Committee.

All food vendors must send the application and COMPLETE menu for space reservation. Only products listed on your application and muni health permit will be permitted to be served during the fair. Unique food options and promptness can assist in securing an open spot. There are limited booth spaces for food vendors so we do not accept duplicate foods at our event. No “Carnival Food” and pre-packaged food will be limited to items such as drinks and chips.

Novel, unusual, homemade and unique foods are in keeping with the theme of the Girdwood Forest Fair.  Minimal or no duplications will be granted.

A health permit must be obtained through the Municipality of Anchorage in order to serve food.  Please refer to their website,, under Environmental Services Food Safety Program. Health inspections can be completed at any time, any failed inspections will result in closure of your booth.

ALL food vendors will be required to obtain a certificate of General Liability Insurance. All vendors must comply with the Municipality of Anchorage’s Fire Marshal – inspection to be done Friday during setup. You will not be permitted to open until inspection is complete.

The Girdwood Forest Fair is requiring all food vendors to use Biodegradable, Compostable, Eco Plastic containers, plates, napkins, bags etc.  There will be aluminum recycling on site, please use these facilities.  NO Glass, Styrofoam or Plastic allowed.  PLEASE MINIMIZE THE MICRO TRASH.   Compliance will be evaluated at the fair, and violators will be fined.

Food Booths are the #1 contributor to the garbage problem, please do your share in cleaning up. ALL garbage from food booths must be dumped in the dumpsters provided (NOT in the painted garbage cans!) Please BREAKDOWN all cardboard and place IN the recycling dumpster – NOT NEXT TO IT for us to clean up. The painted trash cans within the fairgrounds are NOT to be used by food booths. These are for patrons only, so please respect our Earth Maintenance Volunteers who are responsible for them.

There will not be any electrical outlets available, and NO GENERATORS ALLOWED!!! Bring a cart to haul your materials up to ¼ mile into the fairgrounds. Come prepared to work around obstacles and in all weather conditions.

*Attracting Bears

We live in bear country. Several bears live near the Forest Fair and will be attracted by food and garbage. Some foods more than others. This can pose a dangerous situation and every effort should be made to mitigate the attraction. Please use all best camping practices when storing your food items or garbage.  All Vendors must NOT leave food products in the booth overnight – this is a bear safety issue and must be adhered to.

Vendors who disregard this warning may be held responsible for any damages.  If vendors do not adhere to the overnight containment of food items, Girdwood Forest Fair committee will deny future vending application for lack of adherence to the guidelines. Please read the Vendor packet for more information about fines assessed for noncompliance.


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